The Most Forward-Thinking Contractor award celebrates solar installers devoted to making progress in energy and beyond in hopes of a more sustainable future.
-Omkar Bhandakkar, Solar PV Design Engineer, GreenBrilliance
To enforce accountability, GreenBrilliance developed a 32-point quality rating system. After every installation, a quality assurance engineer walks with the solar customer through an inspection checklist, ensuring they know how their solar system works. GreenBrilliance receives feedback on team expertise, safety and cleanliness, while the customer gains access to performance, technical and operational expectations. Offering the best products and technologies isn’t worth it if the customer is not educated on how their system is expected to perform.
The company is also involved with electrical efficiency research to further improve customer satisfaction and increase energy savings. GreenBrilliance turned to artificial intelligence and machine learning to reduce energy losses and have customer solar arrays act more powerful than they are. The company’s patent-pending intelligent transformer technology — called Neurobotz — connects through the electrical circuit, using predictive analytics to create an optimal load curve and reduce kilowatt-hours consumed at one time. Nearly 20% of GreenBrilliance solar customers also receive the Neurobotz transformer, and GreenBrilliance has offered the technology to other installers for their own customers.
The bottom line for GreenBrilliance is increasing solar customer savings, even if that customer is not directly on the company’s client list. The future of the industry depends on the customer satisfaction practices of today.
The few words that jump out, solar, long-term, customer satisfaction, eithical. I’m totally impressed, and will definitely look forward GreenBrilliance expertise when I decide to go solar. And that is soon.
“The company’s mission is to save customers more money in the long run rather than focusing on easy, short-term schemes. That’s why all products GreenBrilliance offers are extensively tested, with the company landing on only five manufacturers of durable, trustworthy Made-in-America components.”
In the age of the “instant information, instant gratification” internet and social media, we lose sight of simple and traditional concepts of ruggedness and re-buildability and a legacy left for the next generation that IS NOT a throwaway technology. Taking ones “responsibility” for daily energy needs and adopting the technology to change the way energy is generated, stored and dispatched is the legacy left to the next generation as a new tradition and “new appliance” to have in every home.
Lest we forget, this is not a sprint, it is a marathon.