SEIA announced that the Minnesota Solar Energy Industries Association (MnSEIA) is now a formal SEIA state affiliate. This past year, SEIA has also added state affiliate groups in Kentucky, Alabama and Vermont.
Minnesota is a burgeoning solar market, and the two groups will work together to establish the industry as a stronger part of the state’s economy.
“We see so much potential for solar in Minnesota, which is already leading the way in the community solar sector,” said Abigail Ross Hopper, president and CEO of SEIA. “This partnership with MnSEIA will strengthen our voice in the state as we work to make Minnesota a leading market in the Solar+ Decade.”
Today, Minnesota is home to an impressive 1.2 gigawatts of installed solar capacity.
“We expect to see exponential solar market growth coming to Minnesota and we look forward to breaking our employment records, currently estimated at 5,000 strong and growing rapidly,” said David Shaffer, executive director of MnSEIA. “With increasingly aggressive and innovative solar deployment goals issued by Minnesota’s forward-thinking cities, utilities and agencies, we will seize all opportunities to Move Minnesota Solar Forward with our partners at SEIA.”
News item from SEIA
Vern and Birgitta Rice says
We are now in a thirty year investment in the solar garden on the top of Ramp A at the Target Center, Minneapolis!