Chemitek Solar has launched its new Metal Oxides Removal Agent, a cleaning product designed to efficiently and safely remove metal oxides (e.g. rust) from solar PV modules and tiles. The Metal Oxides Removal Agent features a specialized biodegradable formula that reacts with metal oxide particles, ensuring their removal without causing any damage to the panels. This innovative solution eliminates the need for abrasive methods, offering an eco-friendly and effective alternative.
Laboratory and field tests have confirmed the agent’s effectiveness, demonstrating that it does not harm the anti-reflective coating, silicone or aluminum frame of solar panels. The Metal Oxides Removal Agent was developed to satisfy the need for effective cleaning solutions in PV plants located near industries such as foundries, steelworks and metal ore mines. As a proactive measure, Chemitek recommends the application of its antistatic coating, present in the products Solar Wash Protect and Antistatic Solar Armor, after the cleaning. This additional step slows down the buildup and adhesion of the contaminants, thus preserving the optimal condition of solar panels for longer and making the next cleaning easier and faster.
The Metal Oxides Removal Agent is certified by TÜV Sud as safe for PV modules, attesting to its compatibility with the highest industry standards. At the request of Chemitek, the laboratory CVR (Center for Waste Valorization) conducted a study to evaluate the biodegradability of the Metal Oxides Removal Agent according to the OECD Guideline for Testing of Chemicals – 301 F Manometric Respirometry Test. Using activated sludge from a local wastewater treatment plant, the study determined that the Metal Oxides Removal Agent is readily biodegradable, with tests confirming its compliance with industry standards.
News item from Chemitek
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