Clean energy trade show RE+ 2022 set record attendance, bringing more than 27,000 attendees and 800 exhibitors to Anaheim, California, from September 19 to 22, making it the largest RE+ to date.
“This was the first time we were able to host RE+ in person since 2019. It was clear that the industry was eager to get back together to network and conduct business, in a way that’s hard to replicate online,” said Stephen Miner, president & CEO of RE+ Events. “The amount of excitement coursing through RE+ over the four days was something that had been missing over the past couple of years.”
RE+ encompasses Solar Power International and Energy Storage International and is organized by the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and the Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA). Exhibitors included companies in solar, energy storage, hydrogen, fuel cells, EV infrastructure and industry-relevant software; and attendees could access more than 250 education sessions.
At the event, the U.S. Department of Energy and National Renewable Energy Laboratory announced American Made Solar Prize winners, awarding more than $1.4 million to solar industry startups. The Center for Transportation and the Environment, Center for Hydrogen Safety and the Idaho National Laboratory also came to Anaheim to co-locate their respective events, Zero Emission Bus Conference, Center of Hydrogen Safety Americas Conference and Securing the Path to Net-zero.
RE+ 2023 will be held September 11-14 in Las Vegas, Nevada at The Venetian Expo.
News item from RE+ Events
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