Connecticut’s new energy storage program offers upfront incentives for residential and commercial customers. R Boed
New bill would require large California counties to use instant online solar permitting
Sacramento, California
California Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) introduced a bill that would require instant, online solar permitting in counties with over 150,000 residents. The bill has received almost unanimous support so far, passing the Senate by a vote of 31-1.
Gov. Cooper signs executive order laying out plan for zero-emissions North Carolina
Raleigh, North Carolina
Gov. Roy Cooper issued an executive order increasing the statewide carbon reduction goal to 50% by 2030, and net-zero emissions by 2050. The order also prioritizes diversity in clean energy jobs and a cabinet-wide dedication to environmental justice.
White House announces new clean energy plans, including Dept. of Agriculture support of solar in rural communities
Washington, D.C.
The Biden-Harris Administration announced new plans to grow clean energy that include expediting reviews for projects on public lands, bolstering clean energy in underserved rural communities and more. The White House said the most important tool, though, is passing the Build Back Better Act with its many clean energy provisions.
Connecticut launches 9-year energy storage incentive program
Hartford, Connecticut
Connecticut’s Public Utilities Regulatory Authority has created a new program offering upfront incentives of around $200/kWh for customers who install energy storage systems. The program is open to all residential, commercial and industrial utility customers.
Mississippi expands net-metering program, adds $3,000 solar rebate
Jackson, Mississippi
The Mississippi Public Service Commission released new net-metering rules that improve total compensation rates for solar customers and prioritize low-to-moderate income customers. The new rules include an upfront rebate of $3,000 for solar projects between 3 and 6 kW.
America COMPETES Act of 2022 authorizes $3 billion for domestic solar manufacturing
Washington, D.C.
The U.S. House of Representatives introduced the COMPETES Act that includes significant investment in boosting domestic manufacturing of solar components. The legislation would establish a program to award grants and direct loans for the construction of new solar component manufacturing facilities as well as retrofitting or expanding existing facilities.
WoodMac: California’s NEM 3.0 proposal would halve residential solar market by 2024
Sacramento, California
New analysis from Wood Mackenzie finds California’s proposed decision on net-metering tariffs would reduce solar’s value proposition and force installers to sell smaller systems to achieve savings. WoodMac estimated that this decision would cut the state’s residential solar market in half by 2024.
Arizona Corporation Commission strikes down 100% clean energy proposal
Phoenix, Arizona
The Arizona Corporation Commission voted against adopting proposed Energy Rules that would require the state’s electric utilities to reduce their carbon emissions and pave the way for 100% clean energy for the state. The commissioners who voted against adoption largely attributed their decision to avoiding higher energy rates.
Ohio Senate passes bill to limit HOA solar installation restrictions
Columbus, Ohio
The Ohio Senate passed a bill that would limit the ability of homeowners associations (HOAs) to reject residential rooftop solar panels. The legislation sets guidelines for when HOAs must allow residents to go solar, but HOAs are still allowed to ban solar panels in their declarations.
Utility found to be behind Florida’s anti-net-metering legislation
Tallahassee, Florida
Florida’s solar industry is rallying against legislation that would cut net-metering in the state and potentially add fixed charges for customers. The Tampa Bay Times reported the bill was written and delivered to lawmakers by the utility Florida Power & Light.
Maine takes steps to expedite solar interconnection
Augusta, Maine
Maine’s Public Utilities Commission is reviewing a plan to streamline solar interconnection in the state, according to Spectrum News. The deal would pay for new analysts to work on cluster studies for projects seeking interconnection at the same substation.
Indiana Court of Appeals strikes down utility’s attempt to circumvent net-metering
Indianapolis, Indiana
A coalition of solar companies and consumer advocates challenged an Indiana utility commission ruling allowing a utility to change how solar bill credits were calculated. The Indiana Court of Appeals sided with the coalition and rejected the utility’s plan for violating the state’s net-metering laws.
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