For the 10th anniversary of the Top Solar Contractors list, we’re sharing Q&A’s with the people who make the industry run every day. Read more interviews here.
How’d you get started in solar?
My start in solar was sort of a calling, or a product of me quitting a comfortable corporate job followed by a few months of soul searching. Basically, I saw a world hungry for electricity, technology and progress that was soon to embrace a large source of renewable energy, and I wanted in on that transformation.
What’s your favorite part about being in the solar industry?
Honestly, my favorite part about the industry is the growth. My personal/professional path in solar allowed me to grow in the early stages of the local industry, while at the same time equipment and community interest have grown in quantity and quality to create a progressive, sustainable synergy.
What has surprised you the most about the solar industry in the last 10 years?
The impressive fact about solar is the “internal agenda.” It appeared, from my position, that no matter what was happening in the political and economical market, we were always growing and advancing. It is like there is no stopping it. We flowed with what the universe provided.
What are your solar predictions for the next 10 years?
My optimistic predictions are: batteries with every solar install, instant solar permitting, multi-junction solar cells with efficiencies over 50% and pollinator-friendly, sheep-grazing, utility-scale farms with bifacial modules spinning on dual axis trackers. Realistically, utility-controlled smart meters used to limit solar homeowner benefits, “jumbo” solar panels going on rooftops, a race to the bottom of value/cost/quality between local contractors.
How’d you/your company stand out in the last year?
I would say JSunPV stands out by doing more complex projects that other solar businesses may avoid. Last year with the help of a local master electrician and his crew, we installed a residential system consisting of an 8-ft tall, 80-ft long engineered retaining wall containing 15 kW of bifacial PV on two dual axis trackers, attached to a 200A whole-house backup with 20 kWh of batteries.
How are you helping to improve the industry?
JSunPV works at improving the industry by choosing the best materials and following the best practices for installation. We provide competitively priced systems to keep the market value up. We take our time and do it right while providing an educational consultative approach of sales communication.
What opportunities does the solar industry present for entry-level positions that you might not find in other industries?
There is an energy revolution underway — opportunities abound. With the right mindset and actions, you will make a positive change — education, motivation and some assembly required. Don’t wait, please apply today.
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