By Allison Ruedig, freelance copywriter, Aurora Solar
Solar business owners have had a rough time leading their teams through this pandemic year. In addition to managing their current projects and staff (often from a distance), they’ve also been tasked to keep their business above water despite:
- Their teams’ reduced ability to generate leads, assess sites, and close sales
- Newly changing solar policies and delayed permitting processes
- An unpredictably fluctuating economy that affects financing for solar projects
The good news is that these challenges also present new opportunities to practice new strategies. And these strategies, if implemented correctly, might actually help your business not only weather this economic storm, but have you come out of it stronger and busier than ever.
To help share these strategies with the solar community, we’ve put together EMPOWER 2020, a virtual summit that gathers together acclaimed solar industry leaders to share their advice on some of today’s most pivotal questions
Read the advice from solar experts on Aurora Solar’s website.
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