While many jurisdictions have adopted no-touch permitting in recent weeks, San Luis Obispo County has gone a step further. It is now one of the first jurisdictions in California to offer instant permitting for solar.
According to the building department:
“The county’s online E-permitting system has been temporarily modified to accommodate the current COVID-19 shelter-in-place order and to ease permit access for licensed contractors. The zoning restrictions for e-permits has been temporarily lifted. In all zoning classifications a permit for a residential electrical panel change out, water heater, furnace replacement or micro-inverter based photovoltaic system can be obtained as an (instant) E-permit.
“Previously these permits were limited to residential zoning only. The e-permits are located in CSS (Citizen Self Service Portal) with the work classifications for the online PV permits. Please read and answer the questions accurately in the E-permitting process. This system checks the CSLB website for the appropriate contractors license, just as the online submittal process does. Be sure that you have a current contractors license for the type of permit you are attempting to obtain.”
The county advises any contractors with questions to email or call Sylvia Aldana at saldana@co.slo.ca.us or (805) 781-4671.
The Citizen Serve Portal is available here.
News item from CALSSA
Probably “module level power electronics” based systems that includes power optimizers as well as microinverters.
BTW, it may also encourage a possibly to consider all MLPE (Module Level Power Electronics) solutions – dc converters – and those specifically compliant with CEC/NEC 690.11 and 690.12?