Solstice Power Technologies and ForeFront Power have announced that two community solar farms in Orange and Ulster counties have turned on for customers of Orange & Rockland and Central Hudson utilities.
Community solar allows residents to enroll in a local, shared solar array to support more clean energy to the grid and save money on their monthly electric bills — without making changes to their properties or paying to join. Now that these solar farms are officially online, subscribers have begun to receive 10% savings on their monthly bills. The projects in Middletown and Ellenville produce 6 megawatts of energy, enough to power about 800 households.
“Community solar is a proven and reliable way for households and businesses to access low-cost solar energy without worrying about upfront costs, rooftop installation or aesthetic concerns, given that the panels are remote. The savings almost magically appear on your regular utility bill, without changing your existing utility service wires,” said ForeFront Power VP Bryan Eckstein. “ForeFront Power is excited to be part of New York State’s vision to deliver six gigawatts of solar by 2025 under Governor Cuomo’s Green New Deal.”
ForeFront Power is the owner and operator of the Middletown and Ellenville solar projects. In order to enroll local residents as subscribers to these community solar farms, ForeFront Power partnered with Solstice, an organization focused on bringing equitable clean energy access to all households. ForeFront Power currently operates 48 megawatts of solar in New York alone, serving nearly 8,000 households and businesses across the state, with more community solar projects under development.
“Community solar expands clean energy savings to those that cannot install solar on their rooftop or afford to buy expensive renewables,” said Solstice Co-Founder and CEO Steph Speirs. “These 800 participating households are now enjoying clean energy savings, many for the first time in their lives, and are finally able to benefit from the growing green economy.”
News item from Solstice
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