Brandeis University, a Massachusetts-based private research university, recently partnered with Dynamic Energy Solutions, a full-service solar energy solutions provider, to install a 212-kW solar system atop the university’s Goldfarb Library building in Waltham, Massachusetts. The system is expected to save Brandeis an estimated $105,000 in energy costs over the term of the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA).
“Renewable energy is a critical component of Brandeis’ commitment to social justice. By reducing the need for fossil energy, we help reduce our contribution to climate change and other environmental impacts that negatively affect the world’s most vulnerable communities the most,” said Mary Fischer, Manager of Sustainability Programs for Brandeis.
The solar array will generate nearly 271,000 kWh of energy in its first year, enough to offset approximately 202 metric tons (445,334 pounds) of carbon dioxide, the equivalent of removing 43 cars from Massachusetts roads, or the amount of carbon sequestered by 238 acres of U.S. forest each year.
Brandeis will purchase energy generated by the system from Dynamic Energy with zero upfront system cost. Dynamic Energy will own, operate and manage the system.
“Dynamic Energy is proud to partner with Brandeis University on their journey towards a sustainable future,” said Brett Thibodeau, president & COO of Dynamic Energy.
Solar is one of the many sustainability efforts of the Brandeis Climate Action Plan. Brandeis’ short-term goals are to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at least 10% by FY 2018, and 15% by FY 2020. Brandeis is on track to meet its FY2018 goal.
News item from Dynamic Energy Solutions
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