About The Author

Kelly Pickerel

Kelly Pickerel has over a decade of experience reporting on the U.S. solar industry and is currently editor in chief of Solar Power World.


  1. Werner M Blumer says

    Is there a “standard” or very versatile mounting system that determines support design and spacing prior to foam coating a residential flat roof without knowing the eventual later solar installer ? Placing supports on foam roofs later is difficult and requires respraying.

  2. Kevin says

    Basa, You should use an elastomeric coating or at least mix some rocks or sand with tar to block UV. The roof would last a lot longer. 3-4 year roof life is ridiculous.

  3. Basavraj Borbora says

    Dear Kelly,

    You have covered almost all types of roofs. But here in India, there are other types of roofs, one of which is a roof consisting of pre-cast cement slabs, covered with tar felt for waterproofing. Tar felt is roofing felt enriched with bitumen.

    The problem with tar-felt covered roofs is that these require replacement of tar felts every 3/4 years and casting of footing for module mounting structure is difficult. We can cut out the tar felt part and strip to the cement layer, then further covering with tar felt becomes difficult.

    Please suggest a way for this.

    • Cesar Carrillo says

      Use a ballast system you don’t remove any tar and don’t need to have mechanical attachment on the roof, it’s is very important to take into consideration winds speed sismic data and building hight.

      Cesar Carrillo

    • Ryan Phillips says

      Coat the roof with a reflective waterproofing white roof coating. Probably need to seal the concrete slab first then apply the coating. Use some bifacial panels to maximize your benefits. Tar felt paper is not supposed to be used for real roofing too layer material. Just underlayment in case there is a leak.

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